Marvel Deadpool Ice Tray. Design, Layout, Sculpt Direction.
Marvel Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Ice Tray. Design.
Marvel Thor's Hammer Mjolnir Ice Tray. Design, Layout, Sculpt Direction.
Marvel Captain America's Shield Ice Tray. Design, Layout, Sculpt Direction.
The Walking Dead Ice Tray 1. Layout, Sculpt Direction.
The Walking Dead Ice Tray 2. Layout, Sculpt Direction.
Batman The Animated Series Pint Glasses. Concept.
Batman The Animated Series Shot Glasses. Concept.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelo Pizza Cutter. Design, Colour, Sculpt Direction.
Aliens Xenomorph Cookie Jar. Colour, Design Notes.
View Askew Bluntman & Chronic Glassware. Layout and Composition Design, Colour, Design Additions.
View Askew Mooby Mug. Colour.
Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie Mugs. Colour.
Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie Bluntman & Chronic Mugs. Colour.